Top 10 Ingredients in Chinese Kitchen

This is a guest contribution from Amy Yan.

Chinese food is everywhere nowadays, but authentic Chinese food is hard to find in other countries. For example, some Chinese food has been Americanized therefore lose its original taste. So what’s the secret to the most delicious and authentic Chinese food?  Here is a list of top ten ingredients used in Chinese cuisine.

1. Green Onion (葱)

green onion

Green onion is a must-have ingredient used in Chinese kitchens. Chinese cooks like to add chopped green onion on the top of dish after dish is well cooked. It is good for stir fry dishes, soup and steamed fish.

2. Ginger (姜)


Chinese people like to use ginger because they believe ginger has special medical properties. Ginger is especially good for soup or steamed fish.

3. Garlic (蒜)


Garlic is frequently used in many countries. But Chinese people like to stir fry chopped garlic first before adding any other ingredients, which will add a special taste to the dish.

4. Aniseed (八角)


Aniseed is used in a lot in Chinese stew food, such as beef stew or pork tenderloin stew.

 5. Peppercorn (花椒)


Peppercorn is widely used in Szechuan cuisine. It is famous for the powerful numbing sensation it causes around the mouth. If you like spicy food, it is a must have ingredient!

6. Dry Red Pepper (干辣椒)

Dry red pepper

Dry red pepper is another popular ingredient used in Szechuan cuisine. It makes the food taste and look better!

 7. White Pepper Powder (白胡椒粉)

White Pepper Powder

White pepper powder is one of my favorite ingredients, which is great for Chinese soup, like egg drop soup, hot and spicy soup, and Wonton Soup. It will make soup taste a little bit spicy but well-balanced.

8. Light/Dark Soy Sauce (酱油)

Light Dark Soy Sauce

While soy sauce can add some salty flavor to the dish, it can also make food taste fresh. A lot of Chinese restaurants in the United States use soy sauce instead of salt to make fried rice. Chinese people usually have one light soy sauce for flavor and one dark soy sauce for coloring.

9. Vinegar (醋)


Chinese vinegar looks like dark soy sauce. It is black and much sourer than white vinegar. Chinese people like vinegar, because they believe vinegar can reduce the risk of heart attack.

10. Soybean Sauce (Paste) (豆瓣酱)

Soybean Sauce

Soybean sauce (or paste) is an authentic Chinese food ingredient. It is specially used for cooking eggplant or steamed fish. You may only find this available in local Chinese supermarkets.

1 Response

  1. Sara C says:

    Interesting list but where are the recipes to back it up? I’m especially interested in the soy bean paste to cook eggplant.

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