Top 7 Fans of Mao Zedong in the World

In world political stage of the 20th century, There was not any political leader as Mao Zedong who received so much unanimous respect around the world. Some western scholars have a in-depth study on Mao’s contribution, appreciating Mao highly even more than Chinese scholars. Mao Zedong have affected billions of people in the world. Now here I list some of the world famous “fans” of Mao Zedong:

1. Norman Bethune (Canadian doctor)

Reasons: He is an Canadian doctor and came to China during the Anti-Japanese War. He gave treatment to local people and armies and finally gave his life to helping the Chinese people.
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: “This is a matchless intellect. He will change the world.”

2 Mike Tyson (Boxer ) & Don King (His broker)

Reasons: Don King can recite Quotations of Chairman Mao! Tyson has a tattoo Of Mao Zedong on his right arm.
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: “Chairman Mao has left us, but he is still alive in our hearts. He devoted his life to all the Chinese people, I am very honored to pay tribute to this great leader.” (Don King)

3. Benazir Bhutto (Former prime minister of Pakistan)

Reasons: Benazir Bhutto was the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan. She gave very sincere and highest value on Mao Zedong
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: Perhaps a thousand years can only see one great man like Mao Zedong!

4. Henry Kissinger (American heavyweight statesman)

Reasons: He felt a shock when he met Mao Zedong.
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: “My daughter described her worship of singers like an electric shock, I admit that I do not have this feeling; but Mao Zedong did give me the feeling when in front of him”.

5. Agnes Smedley (American writer)

Reasons: He is an American writer best known for her semi-autobiographical novel Daughter of Earth. He was also known for her sympathetic chronicling of the Chinese revolution.
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: Any leader from the Communist Party of China can be compared with any figure in the world history, but no one can match Mao Zedong.

6. Philip Davidson (former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense)

Reasons: a very heroic evaluation: invincible!
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: “Mao Zedong is a great strategist. Which leader can be invincible in so many different types of conflicts for a long time like Mao Zedong?”

7. Hugo Chavez (Venezuelan President)

Reasons: Hugo Chavez did not feel afraid the threat of the United States, he was determined to reform, building another unique socialist. “Great helmsman Mao Zedong”, “Despise the enemy in strategy” …for these words of Mao, Chavez, like many Chinese people, can blurt them.
Evaluation on Mao Zedong: “My whole life is an admirer of Mao Zedong.”

2 Responses

  1. Fuck u says:

    This is the most ridiculous bullshit i have ever read. U and all your retarded celebrity heros have obviously never read ANYTHING on the unbelievable suffering of the 20th century

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